
We take fellowship seriously. Fitness will only get you so far with your mental and relational health. In F3 we say that fellowship is the glue that holds men together. Check out some of the ways F3 men fight against today's loneliness epidemic and live in community together.

Outdoor Adventures

Some of us like to test our fitness levels by signing up for adventures. Trips to Grand Canyon, (Ultra)marathons, Rucking, Cycling... these are just a few of the many adventures our group has planned in the past! Ask us what we're up to these days

Parking Lot Coffee

A lot of our workout groups will stick around afterwards for coffee in the parking lot aka PLC. Most often someone in the workout brings a thermos full of coffee to share, sometimes it's at the nearby coffee shop. Either way, it's a great opportunity to get to know some awesome guys.

Recreation Sports

Interested in a little competitive spirit? What better way to engage in competition through organized softball or basketball teams.

Sauna & Ice Bath

Step outside your comfort zone and embrace the extreme. Our organized sauna & ice bath outings will challenge you and you'll leave feeling renewed.

Birthday Parties

Cake, comrades, and crushing PRs! Celebrate another year of being alive with F3 friends with birthday burpees and righteous revelry. 


Our annual F3 prom is where burpees meet boogie and the fellowship gets funky. Every year we organize a night of dancing and celebration with our siginificant others.

Online community

Our lively Slack (chat app) community keeps the fitness and camaraderie going long after the sweat dries. Join us on Slack to stay connected, share laughs, post memes, and keep each other motivated.